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Keeping the Fire Burning

Why It’s Important to Prioritize Romance in Your Relationship?

A relationship is a long-term commitment and it needs two people to make it work. The dedication required to sustain it can sometimes seem overwhelming—especially for couples who’ve been together for a long time. It’s so easy to become caught up with everyday life that we sometimes neglect those most important to us. This neglect can lead to all sorts of trouble in a relationship. So what can you do to make sure you keep that fire burning with your special someone?

One of the best ways to ensure a strong relationship is to keep your romance alive. Now, it doesn’t always seem romantic to plan for this, but if you don’t, you may go for lengths of time without letting your partner know how much you really do cherish him. We all know how it feels to not be the center of someone’s world—especially if that someone is the center of yours. Research has shown that in the most successful relationships, the partners are always each other’s number one priority. So think about what you prioritize. Is it your significant other? If the answer is “No,” it’s time to make some changes.


Putting Each Other First

Think back to those days when you first met. You would have dropped anything and everything to be with your love. Nothing could come between you. And when you weren’t together, you were probably thinking of him ALL the time. So what happens? Well, life happens.

We become used to each other. The newness wears off. You start to show parts of yourself that aren’t your best and even worse, you begin to notice your loved one’s faults as well. Add in crazy work schedules and family obligations and you have a recipe for a falling out. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Even with our busy schedules, we can make time for one another.

If you feel loved and appreciated, you’re willing to put up with a few of life’s obstacles. You know that, at the end of the day, your love will be there waiting for you with a hug, kiss, smile, kind words, or whatever you need. But if you don’t have that, you begin to wonder why you’re even in the relationship at all. So make a point to be there for your partner whenever you can. And one way you can be there for each other is to make sure your romantic life is the best it can be.

Prioritizing your romantic life may seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. There is a ton of ways to become closer to your partner. Let’s look at a few.

  • Small Gestures – It’s the little things that can keep a relationship alive. When you walk by your special someone, do you reach out and touch them? Do you send a text in the middle of the day for no reason other than to say “I love you?” Try doing at least one random act of kindness for each other every day. Then build that up so you’re always finding ways to do something small that will bring a smile to your partner’s face. It could be anything. Maybe offer to run an errand or do a chore that is not usually your responsibility. Even a quick peck on the cheek as you pass by is a gesture of love. It says “I see you and I appreciate you.” We all want that.
  • Have Fun Together – Find something that you both enjoy. It doesn’t have to take a lot of time, but you need something that will help you bond. Are there games you both like to play? Do you enjoy experiencing new cuisines? Sit down with your partner and find an activity that will appeal to each of you. The list of possibilities is endless. Once you find something, make it a priority. The time you spend with your partner is NEVER wasted time.
  • Keep Laughing – Let’s face it. Life can sometimes be a drag. We become bogged down in the day-to-day and forget to be happy. It’s important to instill humor in your daily life. If something funny happens during your day, don’t forget to tell your partner. And listen to his experiences too. Try telling your loved one a joke every now and again. When you make a silly mistake, laugh at yourself and encourage your love to laugh with you. Watch comedies. Laughter is the best medicine so be sure to keep it up.
  • Nostalgia – Remind yourselves how great things were when you were first together. Celebrate significant moments in your life. Talk about the past with your partner and appreciate all you’ve been through together. Look at old photos. Tell each other about a time when you just felt so much in love. Focusing on your past can help you cherish it and also help you look forward to all that is to come.
  • Respect – The Golden Rule—do unto others as you would have them do unto you—is one of the most important ways you can ensure a strong relationship. Always respect your partner. Even if you don’t agree, show respect in your reaction. Never use derogatory terms when referring to each other. Even if the object of your affection is not present, you should still always refer to them positively. If your words about him are positive, your thoughts will be too.
  • Positive Mindset – Instead of pointing out what your loved one is doing wrong, tell him what he is doing right. Play up what you like and try and ignore what you don’t. We all respond better to positivity than negativity. If you do have to complain, try and sandwich the complaint between two positive qualities. For example, if your significant other is always late, you might try the following: “I love it that we go to such fun places. You’re always so thoughtful to take me out. I do feel uncomfortable waiting alone though. Maybe you could text me if you’re going to be late next time? So how was your day? You look super handsome in that color.”
  • Intimacy – Yes, responsibilities get in the way. We have jobs, kids, or other obligations and by the time we go to bed, we might be exhausted. But being intimate is key to staying in love. So maybe it’s not at night. Find another time. When you really can’t find the time, make sure to tell each other how much you wish you could. Whisper romantic suggestions to each other and be sure to include touch throughout your day, whether or not you can follow up on those caresses. If you’ve gone a while without being intimate, make sure you both discuss what’s getting in the way and, together, work on fixing it.

Having a partner can be the most fulfilling thing in life. We all want to be in love. Not only that, we want to stay in love. It is possible but it does take some effort. You must put the relationship first and foremost in your life. Keep romance at the top of your list and it will pay off for decades.

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