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Be My Valentine All Year Long

Valentine’s Day is always special. The extra effort you put into this special Day will help you get closer to your partner. But, of course, you can always shake things up each year to make the next Valentine’s Day even more unique. So what if you shook up the whole year?

What you do each Valentine’s Day will be memorable and make the occasion even more special for you and your partner; have you ever thought about making every day your “Valentine’s Day?” After all, the person you are sharing life with is the one that is your Valentine, and you are theirs; why not celebrate continuously? Why not try one of my suggestions to make your celebration last all year?

Breakfast in Bed

What says romance more than having breakfast in bed? Make something for both of you and enjoy it together. Pick something simple but a meal that both of you like. Then, dress it up and present it to your partner while still in bed. You can choose from some breakfast ideas like French toast and eggs to bagels and lochs. It can be fun to surprise each other, and the selection is endless. 

Pick Out a Special Movie


What is a date without a bit of romance, at least on your television screen? Everyone has a few favorites that they love to watch. You can augment that by choosing a new weekly film for “date night.” Remember, By mixing things up, you can make each date unique and your Valentine very happy.

Go on a Bike Ride

Why not dust off your bikes and head out on a ride together? Many cities have hike and bike trails that you can travel to for an hour or two. I would encourage you to take something to snack on along the way, either healthy or just decadent. If biking is not your thing, walking together in the park or another outdoor location also works.

If the weather is a bit too hot to walk outside, you can also go for a walk around an indoor venue like a shopping mall. But, again, walking and talking can bring you closer, especially when you realize you have made each other a priority.

Trivia Night

Playing games is a great way to spend time together on any day. There are some games designed to help enhance conversations with your soulmate. When it is just the two of you, you can come up with trivia questions about the things you have shared. Of course, you can also go with a traditional trivia game. Just make it fun. Even playing cards can make for an engaging evening.

Read a Book Together

Sharing a good romance novel is a beautiful way to set the right mood. So download from Kindle, or head to your favorite bookstore and find a romance novel or a few. Try taking turns reading, and be sure to highlight the most romantic or, depending on the quality of the novel, the cheesiest passages for even more fun.

Winery or Brewery

Does your community have a winery or brewery? Then now is the time to go and see it. You can schedule a tour just with your Valentine or with a small group of couples. Some venues offer couples’ experiences. You can sample some of the brews and perhaps discover a new favorite. Or, if your community does not have a brewery or winery, find a few selections at your local store.

Of course, you do not have to stop there. Valentine’s Day offers a license for you to experiment and find new things to do. The key is to find activities that both of you can do together. Then, by employing the tips that help make Valentine’s Day unique and beyond, you can help deepen your relationship.

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