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Finding the Good in Goodbye

Breaking up is never easy to do. But, especially when you feel that the partner leaving might have been “the one,” is he really “the one?” He would not leave you if it were part of your destiny.

Of course, second-guessing is always the hallmark of breaking up with most people. Questions arise about whether you said the right thing or whether you gave him enough of a chance. Or perhaps you didn’t communicate your feelings appropriately.

While these may seem like legitimate concerns, they are in the past. The only thing you need to do now is to learn from the process of the relationship not going the way you thought it would go. If you have good communication and ask questions about issues as they arise, you can better know the cause of the breakup. It also would help you move on, knowing that your destiny has a better choice for finding your real soulmate. Instead, you would still be together working things out.

Even the Best Relationships are Not Perfect

Perhaps there is a couple that never argued, disagreed, or had a misunderstanding and led the perfect life together. But that isn’t very likely. People tend to be disagreeable even on their best days. But an argument is not a sign of trouble in and of itself. What is troubling is when the arguing is always about the same thing.

Successful couples will argue and disagree, but things work out because both commit to doing so. When you look at any successful couple, you see only the result of much work on their journey. 

Communication is Key

You have probably heard about the importance of communication. Listening to your partner to understand how they feel helps guide your response. And maybe you heard about talking about your own emotions and not applying what you think to the man in your life. But, if you do not see eye to eye on what the relationship is about and where it is going, then no amount of communication is going to change that.

Successful Couples have the Same Goals

Goals are not something that any person can change on a whim. On the contrary, goals are central to what a person wants in any relationship. It is true that goals may change over time, but that only means the person they may become is not who they are today. And neither you nor your partner can predict what they might be in the future.

You didn’t lose anything

So, if you are pondering that the man who left your life was the man for you, stop pondering. Instead, you should ask yourself what you want out of life and out of a relationship. And then take the next step and find the man who shares the same goals as you.

A breakup can mean that you have lost anything that will benefit your life but may have gained a considerable amount of information through experience to help you grow. For example, you have learned that this man is unsuitable for you and that you’ve learned more about yourself. And that you should apply that knowledge to your next relationship.

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