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A man and woman hugging while sitting on the couch.

Keep Your Romance Thriving

Relationships thrive on mutual respect, communication, and compromise. One of the key components of a successful relationship is doing things your partner enjoys. It’s all too easy to get caught up in our interests and activities, but engaging in each other’s hobbies and passions can strengthen the bond between two people.

Not only does participating in your partner’s interests show that you care about them as an individual, but it can also help you learn more about them and deepen your connection. Whether trying out a new sport or attending a concert for their favorite band, sharing experiences with your significant other can bring excitement and joy into both of your lives.

When planning to do something, we tend to lean toward something we enjoy doing. This usually works out because your partner wants you to be as happy as possible when in a loving partnership. But given this, sometimes we end up doing more of what we enjoy more than the things that our partner enjoys.

One may genuinely love going to sporting events or out to certain restaurants. The other may truly enjoy going to a museum or play. It is essential to consider and balance each other’s desires to keep the relationship healthy. If you don’t consider your partner, then sometimes, really quite often, resentments will appear. They can be subtle but will always cause an unhealthy undercurrent and sometimes even bring division in a relationship.

There are several ways to keep things balanced. One idea is to come up with a list of things each of you enjoys doing when it comes time to set a date to go out; pick off this list. Choose one activity from your partner’s side, one from your side, and so on. This helps keep track of things and will remind you that your partner enjoys these other activities. The list is not meant to be rigid but more of a help. You can always change things up, but it is a good starting point.

Another way is to take turns making plans. The twist can be that you must consider your partner when making plans, not just yourself. If dinner at a fancy restaurant is something your lover enjoys, then by all means, make it happen. If going out for a golf day is fun for your partner, have a great day on the greens. Be willing to be willing.

Respecting your partner as an individual with their needs and desires is key. Communicating about these needs and desires may feel awkward at first. Some may become defensive, thinking, “If you knew me, you would know what I like.” But that is only sometimes the case. Sometimes we only share a surface level with each other. Dig deep and find out some fun things about each other’s desires. You may be surprised by how much you have in common.

Compromise is the name of the game. By choosing your partner’s desires over yours, you show how much they truly mean to you. In a world full of selfish desires and ego-driven entertainment, stepping back and genuinely considering your partner is very refreshing. The relationship will grow stronger, and your adventures into each other’s desires will definitely keep the home fires burning.

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