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Finding Compatibility in a Relationship

There’s no better indicator of long-term compatibility than knowing what you love and appreciate about your partner. Once you can identify the things that truly make your partner special, there’s no doubt that you’re on the right path to a successful relationship. To be in love is to appreciate our partners and what they bring into our lives.

You know what you love about them. Chances are there are several things you love about them. Be sure you fully understand that compatibility isn’t just these wonderful things you love but also that you are willing to accept the whole package. You are neither perfect nor are they, but the things you love about them are clear indicators of your compatibility.

You can talk about anything with them, and I mean anything. It’s one thing to be in love, but what good is it if you don’t feel like you can share your deepest fears, hopes, and dreams with your partner? The relationship is worth investing in if you’re willing to be open and honest with one another.

Your partner inspires you. If your partner inspires you to be a better person, then there’s no doubt that you’re in love. We all want to learn from our partners and vice-versa. The key is reciprocity. As your partner inspires you, in turn, you inspire them. This inspiration is often a beautiful thing that occurs organically.

They become your best friend. Your partner should be someone you feel comfortable with and trust enough to share your deepest thoughts and feelings. If they are becoming your best friend, then there’s no doubt that you’re in love.

You’re not afraid to be vulnerable with them. If you’re not scared to show your insecurities, fears, and weaknesses to your partner, then there’s a good chance that you are compatible with them. Compatibility and love in a relationship are about being fully yourself around the person you care about most.

You’re always excited to see them. When you’re in love, you feel more alive around your partner. You can’t wait to see, talk to, and do things with them. When you are genuinely compatible, a car ride holding hands is peaceful and joyful at the same time. Now “excited” doesn’t mean crawling out of your skin, but it can. Being excited to see someone is more profound than a feeling. Something deep within you finds peace and appreciation of someone’s presence.

You’re often thinking about them. When you’re in love, you don’t just think about your partner when you see or talk to them. You think about them often, even when he’s not around. You may even find yourself daydreaming or randomly smiling as a thought of them passes through your mind and heart.

You find yourself willing to do almost anything for them. When you love someone, you’re eager to go above and beyond for them. You find yourself ready to do anything to make them happy. The wonderful thing about compatible love is that you are willing to do something because they share sincerely and honestly with you about needs, concerns, or fears.

You find yourself wanting to be with them all the time. When you love someone, you enjoy spending as much time with them as possible, and when compatibility kicks in, this time together becomes energy-building.

Compatibility in a relationship becomes the bedrock of a successful and fulfilling experience while developing a love that could last the rest of your life.

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