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Creating Emotional Safety in a Romantic Relationship

There is no one answer to this question, as everyone experiences and expresses emotions differently. However, some tips on how to create an emotionally safe relationship include being understanding and accepting of your partner’s unique way of feeling, communicating openly and honestly, setting limits on how much emotional pressure you feel you need to handle, and taking care not to put your partner in a position where they feel they must constantly suppress or hide their feelings.

If you have a partner who is not emotionally safe with you, you must understand that they are not trying to hurt or abuse you. However, they may feel trapped and unable to express their feelings healthily. This anxiety could be because of past hurts they experienced in a romantic relationship or even something deep-seated in them from childhood. Talking about any level of fear is vital. Open a door for communication and relationship building.


When we think about our most cherished relationships, they are typically the ones in which we feel safe and supported. We can be ourselves without judgment and feel confident that our loved ones will be there for us in good times and bad. If you’re looking to create an emotionally safe relationship of your own, here are some tips to get you started.

First, it’s essential to be clear about what you need and want from your partner. Do you need regular check-ins? Support when something big is going on? Space when you’re feeling overwhelmed? Being upfront about your needs will help your partner better understand how to support you.

Second, honesty is crucial when it comes to communication with each other. Communication means being honest about both the good and the bad. If something bothers you, speak up. Sharing past experiences which add value to your relationship may be difficult at times, but it builds depth to your relationship. Sometimes it is challenging to share your past failures. Still, at that very moment, the level of vulnerability you are willing to reveal also shows the depth you are ready to allow your partner into your authentic self.

Third, it’s crucial to be patient with each other. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be tempting to lash out in frustration, but try to do so in an honorable way for your partner. Patience is something we often have difficulty with in our microwave get-it-now culture. Taking time with each other and allowing in a relational grace is crucial.

If you truly love someone for who they are, warts and all, then patience should come with some peace. Knowing and admitting your imperfections to yourself and your partner is probably the best starting point. Understanding that no one is perfect and that you should not hold a measuring stick against each other while developing a relationship. Each relationship is unique, and the connection needs time to create without comparison to past relationships or other outside relationships, which may seem perfect on social media but fall desperately shallow in person.


Finally, it’s vital to show each other respect. Please pay attention to your partner and respect their thoughts, feelings, and decisions. Respect is essential and also a two-way street. If you respect each other and keep that standard when making decisions, then there is a strong chance your relationship will grow in healthy ways and have deep roots.

Relationships are an ongoing investment of time, energy, and emotions. The best relationships pay very high dividends daily. Take some time today to emotionally connect with your partner and do a check-up of sorts. We all want to feel seen and loved for who we are deep in our core. And this type of emotional security grows the more it is nurtured, so tend to your investment. It is worth every moment of your time to strengthen your heart, mind, and soul.

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