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A cup of coffee and a notepad with the words be the best version of yourself.

3 Ways to Find Peace and Love During Turbulent Times

If there is a constant in human history, it is how turbulent times arose when least wanted or desired. Every generation has gone through redefining times, both personal and worldwide. From depression to war, pestilence, and oppression, bad times are seemingly always present or just around the corner.

And that applies to your personal life as well. These times affect individuals from losing a job to being alone to not having the things they want or desire because of issues beyond their control. It means that you may have fallen out of a relationship. Perhaps your career is getting sidetracked. Or maybe your business is not where you think it should be.

Three simple tips will help you find peace and love during the most trying of times:


Happiness Opens Up the Possibilities

It may seem counterintuitive, but in facing turbulent times that bring you down, you must maintain being happy. Your happiness is the crucial element to keeping open possibilities. Positive energy flows from the happiness you feel within. That energy allows you to adapt and thrive when others around you are floundering in unhappiness.


What may seem devastating to one person can represent an opportunity for another. By maintaining your feelings of happiness, self-worth, and confidence, you can handle the challenges that life throws your way. But only if you put yourself in a positive state of mind.

Keep Things in Perspective

How bad can things be? The sun rises, and the world keeps going, so things aren’t that bad. It may seem simplistic, but you may be surprised at how many challenges people can overcome, no matter how down they might be.

Every day, poor people become wealthy. People who have suffered a setback manage to recover. It happens every day. By putting that into perspective, you can overcome the challenges in your life. Success comes because you turn mountains into molehills, which makes things easier to deal with than the other way around.

Change Yourself

The old saying that you can’t change others but can change yourself may be the most valuable advice for those trying to find love and peace during turbulent times. If you have an unaddressed issue, then address it. Become the best person you can be no matter what times are happening.


You can improve and showcase the attributes that make you unique by changing yourself, and then you will have earned peace and love the right way. This improved version of yourself is because you have made the necessary changes to allow that to happen.

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