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Giving the Gift of Time

Time is one of the most generous gifts you can give someone. Whether cooking a meal for them, taking them to their doctor’s appointments, or just sitting and chatting, your time is valuable. It’s a way to help someone know you are willing to share your time to make their life a little less stressful because you care about them.

The holiday season is laced with opportunities to share the gift of your time with others. It is a perfect time to seize the day. If you are considering a unique gift for someone, consider the gift of your time to help their lives in one way or the other.

There are many ways to consider the gift of your time. The ones mentioned are lovely and helpful, often rewarding to the giver and recipient. But what if you were challenged a little bit more on giving your time? Are you willing to lay down what you find important at the moment to share your time with someone else?

As the holidays approach, do you have a friend who may need a little more help getting their home ready for guests or even cozier just for themselves? Offering to help do the work required to make their holiday cheery and bright might cost you a little time and elbow grease, but isn’t it worth it?

Do you have an elderly neighbor or one with some physical challenge that may need their lawn raked or snow cleared from their sidewalks? Consider doing the “do” of it it all. Go and help make their home a bit less challenging for them while at the same time sharing yourself with others. This kind of giving is wonderful because the blessing is on both sides.

By intentionally moving outside of ourselves and our daily routines, we are better able to receive the blessing of giving. Gifts are only sometimes wrapped in paper, bought at the store, or ordered online.

Another option is to do something for someone to give them time to accomplish a task or take a break. One thing that comes to mind is offering to help someone with the kiddos. For example, take them for a few hours so their parents can have a nice date night or go Christmas shopping.

Spend some of your time caring for the caregiver. If you are willing to sit with someone who needs constant attention to give their caregiver a break, you will provide them with something they often do not even consider. Caregiving is a blessing, and those who do it for their loved ones or others genuinely have a gift, and it would bless them, too, if you were willing to give them time to take a long walk or go to lunch. Making room for those who pour out constantly is the best gift of your time.

Put on your creative hat and look around you. Do you see a need that your time could fill? Go and do. You will be amazed at the outcome.

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