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Is Mr. Right Mr. Wrong?

If you are often dating but are never satisfied with the men you meet, you may be wasting your time on the wrong type of man. You may think your “picker” is off, or you have bad luck when it comes to love, but the reality is you may need to dig a little deeper into yourself and set some reasonable expectations, as well as honest deal killers when it comes to dating a man.

 Start with Self-assessment

What is it you truly and honestly want from a relationship? If you already have clear dating goals and the goals are continuously unmet, you may need to change where you are finding your dates, or they are finding you. But quite often, it may not be clear that you are with the wrong type of man. 

All Talk, No Action

People are what they do, not what they say. If a man talks about commitment but is unwilling to take the next step, no matter the reason, he is not about committing. There may be many excuses, ranging from not having enough money and wrong timing, and so forth. The bottom line is that if he says one thing and does something else, he’s not right for you.

You Don’t Want to Lose Him

Relationships are about compromise to a certain degree. But successful relationships all share common goals. If you are concerned that talking to a guy about taking the next step for fear the topic will drive him away, then you probably do not share the same goals. You may think he is “Mr. Right” when he is definitely “Mr. Wrong.”


If you are not where you want to be and he does not want you to go there, then you are probably with the wrong man. He may be a good man, but he is not “Mr. Right” for you if he doesn’t share the same goals.

Something is Not Right

If you feel something is wrong, you need to talk to him about it. Even if what you think makes little sense, something inside of you needs to be resolved. Something is wrong in your relationship if you are afraid of doing that.

The foundation of long-lasting relationships is trust. If you do not trust your dating interest with your concerns, he is not your “Mr. Right.” So listen to that little voice inside you and work to resolve it with your man. Chances are, those concerns will go away when you feel comfortable talking to him.

Being Afraid to Start Over

It’s not a sign of a healthy relationship when you are afraid of leaving because you do not want to start over with another man.

First, you are not starting over because your current relationship never started. If it is not going anywhere, then leaving is not about going back to the beginning because you never really left. When it is time to leave, you will need to leave if you want to find someone with whom you can start a relationship you truly desire.

Misunderstanding The Situation

Relationships are never easy, but if it is over, it’s over. It would be best to answer all concerns first by talking to “Mr. Wrong.” It may be that both of you are misunderstanding the situation. After all, he may be “Mr. Wrong” for you but perfect for someone else. You will also be able to gain some self-awareness from his thoughts about the relationship possibly. You may be putting off wrong impressions without even knowing it. If you end a dating relationship, you may need time to build up confidence in yourself and know the best time to start looking for someone else when the time comes.

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