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Why is it important to keep the romance alive in a relationship?

Love sustains you. We may be alive without it, but we cannot truly live. It’s almost as if we can’t exist without love. So, we need to feel loved for a healthy and fulfilling life. Now that doesn’t have to be romantic love, but when we have that special someone, we truly feel complete. It is such a wonderful thing.


Often, however, we hear of breakups and divorces. So what happens? How did the couple fall out of love if the love was so great initially? There are many reasons, but occasionally, the couple forgets to prioritize the romance in their relationship. The lack of romance is the number one factor contributing to a couple’s falling apart.

Whether you have known your partner for a few months or years, you must keep the spark alive in your relationship. Make your partner feel that they are the most important person to you. Be Romantic. Find new ways to surprise your love; the little things matter. Once you begin treating your partner extra special, you might notice a change in his (or her) behavior as well. People naturally respond to positivity, and your efforts will pay off. Try it out and see. Before long, your significant someone will reciprocate your actions, and those flames can start burning again. Not sure where to start? Try some of the tips below to reignite the romance in your relationship.

The Little Things

Do things that are not a part of your routine. Go on a stroll. Hold hands. Show your affection towards them. Quick touches and unexpected kisses go a long way in making your partner feel special. Surprise them with a little treat from the store. Send a text for no reason other than saying, “I love you.” When you love someone, try to find new and creative ways to show it. This is romance, and these little things will go a long way in creating a happy relationship.

Random Dates

Never stop going out on dates. As couples become bogged down in their daily lives, especially after kids arrive, they forget to prioritize time together. Remember, a good relationship between mom and dad is the best thing for a child’s healthy emotional development. Therefore, it is not only good for your romance but also super important for your kids. Even if you don’t have children, many couples forget to make time for each other. Regular date nights show your partner how much you value being with them.

Be Creative in the Bedroom

Okay, you don’t have to go all wild and crazy here. Stay within your comfort zone. But do keep things spicy. Change the times you usually might have sex or try a different place in the house. Whisper sexy suggestions to your partner, and follow up on them later. Let your partner know how to excite you and ask the same. Finally, talk about your love life. Prioritizing your sex life is enormous in a healthy relationship. If things haven’t been happening, ask yourself why and discuss it together. Make sure your partner knows how much you cherish your time together.

Show Your Gratitude

What does your partner do for you that you love? Do you say thank you? If not, why? It’s so easy to take our partners for granted. We become used to each other and don’t think about all the little things we do for each other every day. Take some time to notice what your partner does, and be sure to say how much you appreciate it. Not only will this make your loved one feel extra special, but it will also go a long way in changing your attitude. You will start to notice all the little things. Your focus will change from concentrating on what he might be doing wrong to what he’s doing right.


Compliment your partner and flirt with them. Tell them how good they look and what you most like about them. Never let yourself forget what made you fall for them. When we are in a relationship for a long time, we tend to ignore the things that used to excite us. Remember how a compliment from your partner felt when you were first together. Now that you’re used to each other, you may not think to voice how awesome you find each other. Try not to let that go.


We are the happiest when we feel safe and secure in a loving relationship. And keeping the romance alive is the key ingredient to a happy one. Every day becomes a new day filled with love and affection. Romance is the spark that sustains the flame of love and respect, so cherish every moment because love is hard to find.

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