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A man and woman kissing while holding a bouquet of tulips.

How to Keep the Romance Alive

Are you regularly watering your romance with love so that it continues growing even if a bit of drought or freeze sets in? Or are you finding it necessary to pull out some miracle growth magic to try and revive your romance in your relationship regularly?

The best way to make your romance thrive is to keep it watered year-round. So often, in the fall and winter, we tend not to pay much attention to the gardens we want to bloom all spring and summer. If you ignore something in the “off-season,” it will not produce during the “on-season.” It is no different from romance. You must keep paying attention to it, tending to its needs, and keeping pestilence out that might harm or even kill it.

Here are some tips to keep that romance thriving all year long.

Till the Soil

Make sure that you gently but intentionally mix things into your romance that create the best soil for it to grow. Every fantasy has different needs. Some need more material things, such as unexpected gifts, dinner out, or even a maid service or lawn service to give more time to you and your partner, minus household obligations.

Some soil needs more emotional time to sit, talk, listen, and grow together. Emotional attention is often best accomplished on long walks, laying on a blanket staring at the stars, or even on a long drive in the countryside. Ice breakers or discussion starters can also help in this area of soil needs.

Physical touch is also a need most often found in some soils. Most of the time, this is helped by holding hands, hugging, a nice massage, and even gentle touches throughout the day to remind your partner they are essential to you. Touching someone is an excellent way to make them feel close to you. It is also known to relieve stress. Even a hug can do wonders.

Now stir it all together gently as tilling the soil of your romance requires gentle, strong hands.

Water, Water, Water

When you start with good soil, the next thing that is a must is the amount of water you pour into it. Some romances require daily watering. Maybe life’s past experiences have caused one or both partners to desire a daily watering or reminder that they are essential to the other person. Go for it. In this case, there is no fear of overwatering.

Some romances with deep roots may not need as much watering daily, but a weekly soaking is more desirable. It would be best if you took time to soak it, though, because the roots are deep, and it takes a while for the water to reach them.

Remember, water is the conduit through which the nutrients move from the tilled soil to the romance.

Upkeep is Vital

So you have your soil tilled, watered, and now upkeep is vital. First, trim out the dead things in your romance that does not serve to grow it anymore. Hanging on to how it is used can sometimes be deadly, so weed out what isn’t working. Pull all weeds. Do not let anything grow in the romance you and your partner do not welcome. They are deadly. And most of all, do not allow outside forces to eat away at your fantasy, whether it be work, others, or even a hobby or media. Keep the interlopers away.

Staying Alive!

When you have done all you can to help better enrich your romance, it will be alive and thrive every season of the year. Keeping romance healthy may seem like a lot of work, but when the season to bloom comes, it will bloom. In the meantime, it just helps increase the chances of staying alive one romantic moment at a time.

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