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A man and woman hugging while posing for a photo.

The Only Love Language that Matters

There are many challenges in a relationship, and one of the most important is the communication between you and your partner. How communication happens is called your “love language.” This is the language of how you express yourself to your partner, who reciprocates with their version. The key is to ensure that the love language you share is fully understood.

The truth is that the only love language that matters is how you express your feelings, aspirations, and possibilities of what love might bring to both of you. The better you understand the language, the better you can express yourself, and the better you can will help make love between you and your partner grow over the years.

Perfect Your Love Language

Your love language is a place where you can express your feelings correctly. This is because love language applies to your partner and everyone you love. Perfecting your love language starts by being honest with yourself, then expressing that honesty to others.
Of course, you do not have to be brutal about it. You can always leave that unspoken if you do not have good feelings toward someone. Remember that your love language fuels how others feel about you and how you feel about yourself.

Use Precise Words

It’s not just what you feel but how you say it. The proper love language repeats certain words and phrases to ensure your message is clear. To your partner, this can be a particular word or phrase used to describe them, how you feel, or even if something is wrong. Such words can be code for something is correct or something is up.
You should not express such words lightly but deliberately so there is no misunderstanding. That way, your comments will be heard and responded to correctly.


Don’t Make Assumptions

Although two plus two is always going to equal four in math, the same cannot be said about adding up assumptions. It is human nature to take different incidents together to form a conclusion. When that happens, all the little things that themselves carry no meaning suddenly fit into the decision.

You don’t want to think of your partner in one regard only to find out when it is too late that your assumptions were wrong. Instead, look at the facts individually and ask your partner to clarify what you do not understand. By being proactive, you can avoid making assumptions that lead to unwarranted conclusions.

When your partner does not fully understand the only love language that matters, if you do not fully understand the language your partner is using, then both of you need to take the time necessary to figure it out. It is far better to work on your communication for a minute or two each day rather than let misunderstandings build up over time.

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