Nessa nichols clean and wholesome romance.
A smiling asian couple posing for a photo.

Making the Mundane Magical

Keeping romance alive in any long-term relationship can be difficult. All experts tell us that one way to prioritize our relationship over everything else in our lives is to have a scheduled date night. Not only should you and your partner have a date night, but you should also place a priority on it and try and let nothing override it. On this, I agree. But there needs to be more.

Everyday tasks of life magical

And also, life is life. Sometimes, date night just isn’t going to happen. A child is sick. Relative aging needs care. One of you has had to leave town because of work. The list can go on and on–and on and on and on. So when time alone together just isn’t happening, what can you do? This is when you need to make life’s mundane, everyday tasks magical. Okay, maybe magical is overstepping it a bit, but try to put wonder and awe into your daily life, and I think you’ll see things in a whole new light.

Fun at the Grocery Store–Who Knew? Can you and your honey at least get away to do the necessary shopping? If so, make that your date. I can’t tell you how much fun my husband and I have had over the years grocery shopping or in Home Depot. He is hilarious. I stopped finishing the task as quickly as possible and started focusing on him. What does he like? What is catching his eye? His remarks make me giggle, and this chore, one I usually dislike, becomes one I love. It’s spending time together. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing–we’re doing it together.

Create a Game out of Housework

If both of you work full-time, hopefully, you’re sharing the housework. And if so, don’t split up into separate parts of the house. Instead, try staying close and doing it together. Maybe even race each other on how fast you can fold a load of laundry or mop your side of the floor. How about seeing who can fold the best-fitted sheet? Little things like that can make housework a little bit more fun, and doing anything with someone you love makes it more accessible.


I have to admit it was mostly a divide-and-conquer approach when we were raising our children. My husband traveled for his job, so much of the child-rearing was left to me. When he was home, however, he did his best to pitch in, which was always much better. Bath time is much more fun if Daddy and Mommy are both around. I did want to take advantage of him being there to take a much-needed break and take the night off, and sometimes I did. But the time spent with him was also necessary, so I tried to make it a dual job.

Even if you’re helping with different things, such as one parent helping with one child’s homework while the other parent is reading with another child, doing so nearby keeps you near each other. This way, you get a glimpse into how each of you acts with your children, which alone might be enough to tug those romantic strings.

Make Mealtime Fancy

Who says weeknight meals have to be boring? Bring out the candles. Bring out the wine. Make something exotic (or buy it if you’re tired from working). Make it special. Let each other know that your relationship is essential and reason enough to celebrate.

It’s All About Being Together

It might be easy to put your relationship on the back burner whenever you’re bogged down with life’s daily obligations. But that is the last thing you should do. Your romantic life is significant to your happiness and keeping your relationship strong and stable. So if you can’t find the time for special nights out, make the everyday special. Notice in your mate what attracted you in the first place. Celebrate the little things. Take time to be together, doing what you must, but doing it as a couple in love.

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