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Did the Pandemic Affect Your Marriage?

The whirlwind of the past year and a half affected us all. For some people, it happens in significant ways. The global Covid-19 pandemic rocked the economy, closed airports, shut down indoor activities like sports and dining, and totally altered their daily routines for many.

Yet, one of the most significant consequences of enduring a health crisis wasn’t the toilet paper shortage. No, in fact, for many couples, the most challenging part had to do with maintaining their relationship. Simply put, the pandemic tested marriages.

Some couples grew closer. Others drifted apart. This blog post explores how marriages changed for the worse…and the better! By the end, you will realize that you aren’t alone, no matter your spouse’s experience.

Postponed Weddings and Anniversaries

The first and most obvious way the pandemic challenged marriages was by disrupting our plans. Engaged couples suddenly discovered that despite months of meticulous planning, weddings had to be called off. But, of course, most of these were just temporarily postponed.

But the stress of canceling expensive venues, catering, dress alterations, flights, etc., was a massive undertaking. Likewise, anniversary parties were downsized or withdrawn altogether. For some, this made the delayed celebrations all the sweeter when they were finally allowed to happen. But we also lost out on many memories.

Work From Home

It used to be a cup of coffee, a kiss on the cheek, and off to work we went! However, with thousands of employees banned from their offices, working from home has become our new reality. This brought its challenges. Many couples struggled to share space, set up home offices, attend simultaneous Zoom calls, and distribute technology among the family.

On top of that, there were children to care for. Then, of course, spending time with your spouse is lovely. But is it being crammed together 24/7 for weeks on end? Well, let’s say, for some people, this was paradise. Not so much for others! And that’s normal. Human beings are social creatures. However, being isolated from just another adult would bring up a mix of emotions, even with those we love dearly.


This next point ties into the one above. While sex (and the regularity of it) differs from couple to couple and throughout the stages of a relationship, research shows that overall, we had less sex in 2020 compared to previous years. In addition, a study examining how often married men and women were intimate with one another discovered that contrary to popular belief, lockdowns did not make us more likely to have more sex. So, all those pandemic babies we joked about? For the most part, they are a myth.

Financial Stress

Lastly, many marriages dealt with the blow of financial stress. One or both partners may have lost their job, been laid off, or had hours reduced. So if you experienced uncomfortable conversations about money, know this was to be expected.

They were worried about paychecks and bills naturally created tension in some marriages. Nonetheless, the good news is that once these conversations happened, couples had the opportunity to get “on the same page,” so to speak, and draft a future financial plan as a team!

Overall, the pandemic was (and continues to be) a strange time. If you were lucky, maybe you had a spouse to go through the ups and downs with. Perhaps you both even came out stronger on the other side! But, regardless of how your marriage handled the Covid-19 pandemic, please know that you aren’t alone, and your experiences are valid.

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