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Why Prince Charming is Overrated?

Every little girl dreams of the moment Prince Charming slips the glass slipper on her foot, and it fits. Or perhaps he kisses her awake, thus breaking a terrible sleeping curse cast by an evil witch. The desire to be fully loved by a fantastic man, Prince Charming, is deep-seated in our minds, but then we grow up and realize, to our great horror, that it may only exist in fairy tales. Nevertheless, our desire for this happily ever after still pursues us despite the reality that it may not live.

Women date men in the “real world,” but it soon becomes evident that searching for Prince Charming to match our Cinderella isn’t easy. Unfortunately, there are no boxes to check on dating websites for searching for Prince Charming. So, unfortunately, we often end up with a fool wrapped in tinfoil instead of a Knight in Shining Armor.


Allow us to suggest the following explanation: Prince Charming is overrated. That perfect, blue-eyed, blond-haired, six-foot-tall hero you’ve been dreaming about isn’t real. Instead, he’s a character made up by writers desiring to pull you into a story. And rather than break your heart yearning for a false version of a prince, let’s take a moment to examine what makes a 21st-century man  worthy of a princess’ love.

Fantasy vs. Reality

Disney did a fantastic job selling the image of a brave knight riding into battle atop his trusty steed. Don’t get us wrong – it’s fun! Who doesn’t like a fairy tale romance? We read books and watch sappy romantic comedies for precisely this reason to imagine what it is like to fall madly in love. Romance readers enjoy a happy ending. Something is comforting about knowing the girl will – no matter what – always end up with the good guy.

Unfortunately, reality can be a lot different. Dating in 2021 sometimes feels like finding a needle in a haystack. Marriage experts say the average person will have five to seven relationships before finding “the one.” Unlike the fairy tale princesses who sit up in a tower brushing their hair and hoping that Prince Charming will come to rescue them, women (and men) nowadays have it harder. They must devote an extraordinary amount of time and energy to finding their soulmate. In addition, even if things go well, there’s no guarantee that everything will end “happily ever after.” So, as much as we adore the Prince Charming storyline, it is also important to remember to stay grounded in reality.

Defining a Modern-Day Prince Charming?

Prince Charming’s character is outdated. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t men who embody his best qualities. For example, a cartoon prince is perfect. He never makes mistakes. He’s always in charge. There isn’t ever a moment of weakness or vulnerability. Oh, and he has perfect hair and a bright white smile. He pays constant attention to the princess’s every need and fulfills her desires when she has them.

Sounds too good to be true.

We know that an honest, modern-day Prince Charming won’t be picture-perfect. He is a human being and, as such, will come with his character flaws. For example, maybe he struggles with confidence at work. Or he may not know how to express himself emotionally. Or even something much more straightforward, like forgetting to mow the grass!

But these little character flaws are endearing because they mean the person isn’t faking it – he’s genuine. So instead of focusing only on the superficial aspects, we can ask ourselves: does this man have a pure heart? Is he kind? Will he make a great boyfriend/husband/father? Because really, that’s what matters. Not how tall he is or the color of his eyes.

We may grow up wanting Prince Charming, but when we finally realize they are only fictional, the ability to see a good man for what he is becoming more accessible. Women desire someone honest. A flawed man makes mistakes, asks for help, and is willing to learn, change, and grow in love with his partner.

Only a “real man” can treat you like a princess with flaws.

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