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Relational Health Check

It’s always the goal of women and men to start a relationship the right way. A way that is healthy and helps build your feelings towards each other. Or finding out you are not a good match in the early stages. After all, it’s much easier to break up with someone you’ve only known for a short time instead of having the relationship drag out over time.

So, what is a healthy way to start a new relationship or build on the current one you enjoy? Here are some ideas on building or remodeling a relationship from a healthy foundation.

Get to Know Each Other

Getting to know each other may seem like an obvious route for a relationship, but you might be amazed at how often this does not happen. You cannot have a healthy relationship without getting to know the person. And getting to know them does not mean listening to their life story, although that’s not a bad place to start.

Getting to know someone means spending time with them. It means watching your mate’s responses in situations and not just listening to what they say they would do. Actions honestly do speak louder than words. And seeing what they do means spending quality time with them.



Communication is the key to healthy relationships. And proper communication starts with listening. Listening means getting to know them, their perspective, and what they think. After all, a healthy relationship requires falling in love with the person who is there, not the person you imagine they should be.

Proper listening means understanding what they are saying and how they see things. It’s not about waiting for your turn to talk. Instead, ask about them, learn about their experiences, and see things from their point of view. All this is only possible when you listen.

Take Proper Care of Yourself

Take care of yourself; it may seem selfish at first, but it takes two healthy people to be in a healthy relationship. If you are not where you want to be, then no amount of attention to your partner is going to make for a healthy relationship. Instead, you need to fix things for yourself and become the person you are proud to be. Once that happens, then you can be there for them.


Keep your life balanced. It’s not just what you give to the other person; it’s what you do for yourself that creates a healthy relationship. Be the person who is not only proud of who they are but also helps make their partner proud of them.

It’s Going to Take Time

Nothing worthwhile happens immediately. It’s going to take time and effort to make it work. And that means there will be slips and even failures before a relationship becomes genuinely healthy. But, if you both share the same goals and put in the effort to make it work, everything else will fall into place if you take the time to make it work. Getting and staying healthy in a relationship can be fun if you do it together.

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