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How to Smooth Out a Rocky Relationship

Not every relationship is as smooth as silk, but it may not seem fair that such relationships happen to others but not you. However, rocky relationships are standard worldwide, so you are not alone. The question that most people have is how to remove the rocks from the relationship for a smoother, happier experience.

The answer is not easy since that will depend on the circumstances. All relationships will have rocky moments when couples do not see eye contact. However, once you address your issues together, your connection will flourish. For those who seem in a rocky relationship, it’s time for some self-evaluation.

Why is a Relationship with Rocky?

It pays to know the origin of the rocks. What issues are happening that are creating the challenges that you face in your relationship? Until you can identify the source, it will not do you any good to start making changes.

What is true is that the person who perceives rocks or challenges in the relationship is the cause. It’s how a person views the relationship that is creating the rocks.

Sometimes, the perception of a rocky relationship becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Something happens, its effect gets blown out of proportion, and this becomes yet another indication of a rocky relationship.

What to Do?

It comes down to two things, what is happening and what you think is happening. By understanding the difference, you can at least have a basis for doing something. For example, a person who had a previous relationship fall apart because their partner cheated on them may look for the same signs in their current partner.


How they talk, what they imagine when they are away, and other behaviors can be misread because of what happened in a previous relationship. Of course, that doesn’t mean your partner is perfect, but you only make things worse by keeping those old feelings of distrust, jealousy, and fear alive.

You will have to take the life from your old feelings so that the rocks will begin to fade. It would be best if you looked at every new relationship as one that is free of the burdens from the past. Allowing your new relationship to be successful requires you to let go of your past and let go of past failures.

Put the past in its place and remove the rocks from the relationship. At the very least, give each sign the weight it deserves, and do not blow things out of proportion. Doing so allows you to enjoy your relationship today fully and not relive the bad one you had in the past. And that can turn a rocky relationship into a smooth one.

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