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Ten Ways to Keep the Romance Alive in Your Relationship

Even the most ardent lovers can feel the romance fade from their relationship. And while romance is only part of why a relationship works, it is the core of what brings two people together. You can keep that fire going when you employ ten ways to keep the romance alive in your relationship.

Date Night
Plan a date night with your partner. After all, your relationship took off when you were dating. So, why not keep that part of your life going by having a date night once a month? This will help keep the two of you looking forward to a special night together.

Change Things Up
Quite often, doing the same old routines is what dampens the fires of romance. Instead, mix things up in your life by getting out of the rut you’ve created. Positive change can help you see your partner in a new, exciting light.

Dive Into the Chores
While mopping the floor or taking out the garbage may not sound very romantic, it does show appreciation for your partner when you take up their part of the chores once in a while.

Do Something Different
Sometimes, you have to do things differently to be different. Choosing an unusual activity for you, even if neither of you has a genuine interest, can be loads of fun if you select the right one. Taking a rollercoaster ride is a good start, but there are many unusual things you can do together.

Do the Little Things
One of the simplest and most effective ways to keep the romance going is by showing how much you appreciate your partner daily. Saying “I love you,” telling them how you feel, and expressing your love in little ways can keep the romance going.

Do Things Together
This means setting aside time to do things together that are fun. From a dinner date to see a movie to walking in the park, there are things you can do to keep the romance burning inside. Even doing daily activities such as exercising can help keep romance part of your life.

Dream Getaway
If he has always wanted to go to the mountains, plan a retreat in the woods. Suppose you both have dreamt of going on a cruise plan for it. Sometimes extravagant getaways are not in your budget, so get creative. Camping is an inexpensive way to go on an adventure, like an overnight stay at the beach or a local lake. Some couples find a sitter to take their kiddos to have a nice, kid-free “staycation” at home. Sometimes the getaway isn’t a physical location but a mental one. Do what works best for you.

Forgiveness is crucial in maintaining a healthy relationship and a must in a romantic one. Some couples take time every month to take a few minutes and sit down and ensure they are not harboring any unforgiveness between them. Other couples make this an annual practice.

They process the past year entirely at the end of the year before starting the next. Couples see the offenses as cast away, allowing for a clean start with symbolic gestures such as writing them down on paper, burning them and writing them on smooth stones, and casting them into the lake. Of course, avoiding offense is key, but forgiveness is the road back to happiness when it occurs.

Learn Something Together
You can take a class, attend a lecture, or engage in a new activity where you learn something new together. Start by choosing something your partner has always wanted to do and participate yourself. Golf, pottery, cooking classes, or sailing are a few ideas. You can change things from time to time when learning something new. It is a good idea to talk with each other to see where your current interests lie and go for it.

Surprise Your Partner
An unexpected gift can help stoke the fires of romance. And it doesn’t have to be an expensive surprise. A gift you made yourself, for example, can be just the ticket to rekindling the romantic feelings you have for each other. Perhaps you could do something your partner dreads having to do, such as mowing the lawn or doing the laundry to free up some of their time.

Considering relieving your partners’ workload is a way to earn some brownie points and show them how much you genuinely care about their well-being. These are only ten suggestions to get started. Now, put on your creative thinking cap and get busy with a plan to help reignite the romance with your partner and maintain a healthy relationship for you both.

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