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How to Smooth Out Rocky Relationship

Some relationships are smooth, while others can be pretty rocky. The truth is that no relationship is ideal because everything will always go right. But how you handle the issues that arise will help determine why your relationship is rocky in the first place.

For the most part, rocky relationships are based not on what happens but on how both of you respond to what happens. Unfortunately, some couples seem to glide over issues that tear other teams apart. How you help smooth out a relationship is found in how you address the challenges life brings.

Open the Lines of Communication

Perhaps the best way to help smooth out your relationship is by opening up about how you communicate with each other. Put the blame aside when someone does something wrong, such as forgetting to do something that leads to a more significant event.

Your partner should be the one to come to you when something terrible happens. Instead of reacting in anger, you should start with sympathy and give your partner the benefit of the doubt.

Of course, this does depend on the situation, such as those serious enough that it extends beyond your relationship.
However, in 99 out of 100 instances, you should react with sympathy and listening. Be the one who listens and helps, not places blame.

Respect Yourself

Knowing yourself, your flaws, and your actions to correct such issues. Respecting yourself also means standing up for yourself when the time comes.


Your partner is there for you, but they cannot be all things at all times. By respecting yourself, you take responsibility for your actions and mistakes. With that, both of you can go forward.

Your Relationship is Not a Competition

There is no scoreboard, and no outside judge is looking at your relationship and saying who is better. The two of you together mean that there is one of you. While you should never forget who you are as an individual, you should also remember that you are in this together. When one wins, both of you should win. Otherwise, you are not in a relationship.

Keep Others Out of the Relationship

It’s one thing to go to a trusted friend for advice, but the truth is that your partner is the best person to talk to about your relationship. So why has your partner become the last person to discover what is happening in your relationship? All that means is you do not trust them. And that is a place where you do not want to be.

Smoothing out a relationship takes time, effort, and focus. So do not give up; you can start smoothing out the rocks in your relationship.

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