Nessa nichols clean and wholesome romance.
Changing seasons trilogy by neessa nichols.

What Happens When Seasons Change?

Life is so very full, if not overflowing with changes. They occur daily, sometimes almost undetected but then something shifts. A new breeze clears a path for you in life, and you have to decide to embrace the change joyfully or resist it because of the comfort of how things currently “are” in your life. In my Changing Seasons Trilogy, I allowed myself to explore the “what ifs” of unexpected change. What if something extraordinary arose in a season thought to be otherwise dormant?

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Winding through the mountain roads in Colorado, Amelia learns many life lessons, mostly about love and loss. After losing her grandmother, she inherits her home on the edge of Deer Creek State Park, inviting Amelia into a life of adventure, reformation, and even love.

In the Fall, Amelia makes the transition. From city life to life primarily “off the grid.” Against her parent’s wishes, she decided to keep the house her grandmother, Ruth, left her in passing. Her parents wanted Amelia to stay in the city with hopes of her advancing her music career, but Amelia had much to leave behind. The pain of unfulfilled expectations in life and love. She was ready to shed the dead leaves of her past life to find new life from deep within herself. Only in the winter did she begin to truly see how deep she would have to dig to resurrect that new life.

The Winter season proves to be rather challenging. Outside of the actual coldness of winter in the Colorado mountains, Amelia is left to confront some apathy she has allowed to grow within her heart and mind. She befriends a local park ranger, Elias, who her grandmother had known for quite a while. He helps her with the basics of living out in the wilds but then happens to stumble, if not fall, in love with her.

The romance takes a bit of time to work itself out. Stretching Amelia and Elias past their fears of failure, challenges with trust, and selfish behaviors, love slowly but indeed prevails. Their friendship is warmed by the fires within, even as the snow surrounds them. Their friendship takes some significant twists and turns during the Fall and Winter Seasons, but Spring brings forth new life.

Sometimes in the Spring, while the gentle rains bring forth beautiful flowers, there may be a few unwanted bugs along the way. For Amelia, the bug is her ex-boyfriend invited unbeknown to her by her mother into her private sanctuary. As mothers sometimes do, her mother decided that she “knew best” and that this old boyfriend was her ticket out of Colorado. Amelia knew immediately that this was not what she wanted for the rest of her life.

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The guy was a cheater, and you know what they say, “once a cheater, always a cheater.” Besides, Amelia lost all trust in that relationship. Amelia had found her true self in her time in Colorado. To her, the future looked very bright, not to be dimmed by shadows of the past. Shortly the bug, the ex, is eradicated, and Amelia and Elias’ future together begins to take root. Hopefully, it will be without many bugs along the way.

Come enjoy the journey with me through the beautiful mountain life in Colorado. Amelia is the piece of me that blows past all the “what ifs” and steps swiftly and confidently into endless possibilities.

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