Nessa nichols clean and wholesome romance.
Nessa nichols clean and wholesome romance.

Why I Write Romance

When I began writing romance stories years ago, I never imagined they would be released for public consumption. Then, they were a safe place to enjoy a healthy romantic tale. Thankfully, they still are, but now I can share my stories in novel form with so many new friends.

The “Clean and Wholesome Romance” market has been rising over the past few years. I have found it essential to keep romance alive in a world that has become more challenging and demanding more out of our time, emotions, and relationships. I guess I have made it my life’s mission. The stories are not just tales of fantasy. Life’s experiences form them. Together we face fear, joy, hope, pain, and love. I am very open to my audience sharing their stories on my website or through email. I am telling you my stories, and I want to hear yours.


Some may balk at the lack of steamy scenes, but I have found them better left to the reader’s imagination. But, again, my hope is the tell an excellent story. The “happily ever after” is attainable, as you will read, but it often takes a bit of sacrifice, communication, and patience.
I was encouraged to start writing blogs to address some of the challenges we face within relationships. I added some self-improvement thoughts and “how-to” pieces. Overall, I hope to help you and many other couples grow healthy, meaningful romantic relationships.

If we can work together to heal our old wounds, define our new dreams, and love ourselves and others right where we are, there is hope for love in this busy world. But, unfortunately, I had to learn this the hard way myself. A few years back, I had become swamped doing volunteer work, and my husband was very busy with his career. As a result, we had begun to drift apart, and our evenings had become so routine a trained monkey could do them.

From the head nods to the “ah huh” responses, we had it down to a fine art of ignoring our relationship. The scary thing is that it happened just like a frog sitting in a teapot where life was turning up the heat slowly, and we were beginning to die off without even realizing it.

After some time, we decided to do something about this faded romance. There wasn’t a dramatic trigger, no crazy affair or spending spree. We just realized it wasn’t working well. At the end of our busy days, we had nothing left for each other. With a few changes in our priorities, we shifted from being “busy like everyone else” to having a meaningful, warm, and loving relationship again. We had to become creative and learn to communicate more often with each other, not so many heads nods these days, but actual conversations. Don’t get me wrong. We still have our times together when few words are needed. We often find ourselves in romantic settings and situations simply flowing out of our willingness to try.


I am sharing “what we tried” and many new ideas on this platform. If you are willing to join in the conversation or would like to read along, I would be thrilled to have you. In a world full of false promises of “immediate fixes,” we can take our time and make things better over time and with good intentions and practice. After all, the best romances are the ones steeped with challenges and obstacles the hero or heroine overcomes. So let your romance flourish as we did. All that life throws your way can be faced with hope and victory.

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